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iClimate members

Want to become a member of iClimate?

If you are employed or you study at Science and Technology, Aarhus University (AU ST) and you are interested and/or already working with climate-related research, you can contact us and become a member of iClimate. Send us an email via iClimate@envs.au.dk and let us know to which pillar(s) you would like to be affiliated with and get information from.


The members of iClimate come from a broad range of departments at AU ST. The majority is represented by the departments of Environmental Science (ENVS), of Geoscience (GEO) and of Public Health (PH). Researchers from other natural and technical sciences, as well as arts and business departments are also present. The graph below depicts all departments represented. 

Find a current researcher of the iClimate centre in the list depicted below.

Phone number Name, Job title, Email, Unit (Building, room)
Indirabai, Indu, Postdoc, inin@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental social science and geography (7407, 127)
Iosifidis, Alexandros, Professor, ai@ece.au.dk, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning (5125, 316)
Jensen, Anne, Senior Researcher, aj@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental social science and geography (7407, 137)
Jensen, Johannes Lund, Tenure Track Assistant Professor, jlj@agro.au.dk, Department of Agroecology - Soil Fertility
Jensen, Lasse Z., PhD Student, lassejensen@au.dk, iCLIMATE Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change - iCLIMATE Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change, Ny Munkegade 116
Jensen, Steen Solvang, Senior Researcher, Head of Section, ssj@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling (7404, 138)
Kamari, Aliakbar, Associate Professor, ak@cae.au.dk, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering - Building Science (3210 Navitas, 04.166)
Karoff, Christoffer, Associate Professor, karoff@geo.au.dk, Department of Geoscience (1671, 116)
Karpavicius, Luiza, PhD Student, luiza.karpavicius@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental social science and geography (7407)
Kies, Alexander, Associate Professor, kies@ece.au.dk, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical Energy Technology (5120, 215)
Kirchner, Anna Ida Katharina, PhD Student, anki@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling (7407, 136)
Kloppenborg, Asbjørn Frederik, PhD Student, askl@ph.au.dk, Department of Public Health
Knudsen, Mads Faurschou, Professor, mfk@geo.au.dk, Department of Geoscience (1671, 114)
Knudsen, Marie Trydeman, Professor, Head of Section, mariet.knudsen@agro.au.dk, Department of Agroecology - Agricultural Systems and Sustainability
Kumar, Uttam, Postdoc, uttam.kumar@agro.au.dk, Department of Agroecology - Soil Fertility
Kumar, Varun, Assistant Professor, varunkm@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Measurements (7413)
Langen, Peter L., Professor, Centre Director, plangen@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling (7407, 120)
Lansø, Anne Sofie, Senior Researcher, as.lansoe@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling (7404, 144)
Levin, Gregor, Senior Advisor, gl@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental social science and geography (7407, 135)
Liang, Zhi, Assistant Professor, zhi.liang@agro.au.dk, Department of Agroecology - Soil Fertility
Liduvino Vara-Vela, Angel, Postdoc, angel@phys.au.dk, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Lindholdt, Louise, Postdoc, louise.lindholdt@ph.au.dk, Department of Public Health - Institute of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
Lohm, Gustaf, Chief/Special Consultant, gl@cae.au.dk, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering (3210 Navitas, 03.075)
Lønborg, Christian, Senior Researcher, c.lonborg@ecos.au.dk, Department of Ecoscience - Marine Diversity and Experimental Ecology (7411, B1.18)
López-Blanco, Efrén, Researcher, elb@ecos.au.dk, Department of Ecoscience - Arctic Ecosystem Ecology (7410, A1.10)
Lupien, Rachel, Assistant Professor, rachel.lupien@geo.au.dk, Department of Geoscience (1672, 223)
Maar, Marie, Professor with Special Responsibilities, Head of Section, mam@ecos.au.dk, Department of Ecoscience - Applied Marine Ecology and Modelling (7410, A1.35)
Marchiano Holding, Johnna, Tenure Track Researcher, johnna@ecos.au.dk, Department of Ecoscience - Marine Ecology (1131, 522)
Massenberg, Julian Richard, Assistant Professor, jrm@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental social science and geography (7407, 127)
Massling, Andreas, Professor, anma@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Measurements (7412, C1.16)
Mirzaei, Parham Ahranjani, Associate Professor, parhammir@cae.au.dk, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering - Building Science (3210 Navitas, 04.103)
Munkholm, Lars Juhl, Professor, lars.munkholm@agro.au.dk, Department of Agroecology - Soil Fertility (8822)
Nainggolan, Doan, Senior Researcher, dna@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental social science and geography (7407, 118)
Ni, Sha, Postdoc, sha.ni@geo.au.dk, Department of Geoscience (1672, 217)
Nielsen, Helle Ørsted, Senior Researcher, hon@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental social science and geography (1341, 213)
Nielsen, Ole-Kenneth, Senior consultant, okn@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling (7407, 112)
Noe, Thor Donsby, PhD Student, thor.noe@econ.au.dk, Department of Economics and Business Economics (2620, 203a)
Normand, Signe, Professor, signe.normand@bio.au.dk, Department of Biology - Ecoinformatics and Biodiversity (1540, 330)
Olivas, Beatriz Gill, Postdoc, b.gillolivas@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental Microbiology
Panduro, Toke Emil, Senior Researcher, toke@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental social science and geography (7407, 121)
Pedersen, Anders Branth, Senior Researcher, Head of Section, abp@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental social science and geography (7407, 131)
Pedersen, Henrik B., Associate Professor, hbp@phys.au.dk, Department of Physics and Astronomy (1525, 428)
Petersen, Lars Kjerulf, Senior Researcher, lkp@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental social science and geography (7407, 133)
Piotrowski, Jan, Professor, jan.piotrowski@au.dk, Department of Geoscience (1671, 217)
Plejdrup, Marlene Schmidt, Special Consultant, msp@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling (7407, 112)
Quistgaard, Thea, PhD Student, tquistgaard@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling (7407, 136)
Rahdan, Parisa, PhD Student, parisr@mpe.au.dk, Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy (5132, 118)
Riede, Felix, Professor, f.riede@cas.au.dk, School of Culture and Society - Department of Archeology and Heritage Studies (4216, 147)
Rosenkilde Laursen, Karin, Postdoc, krl@ph.au.dk, Department of Public Health - Institute of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
Sanderson, Hans, Senior Researcher, hasa@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental chemistry & toxicology (7412, C2.18)