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iClimate members

Want to become a member of iClimate?

If you are employed or you study at Science and Technology, Aarhus University (AU ST) and you are interested and/or already working with climate-related research, you can contact us and become a member of iClimate. Send us an email via iClimate@envs.au.dk and let us know to which pillar(s) you would like to be affiliated with and get information from.


The members of iClimate come from a broad range of departments at AU ST. The majority is represented by the departments of Environmental Science (ENVS), of Geoscience (GEO) and of Public Health (PH). Researchers from other natural and technical sciences, as well as arts and business departments are also present. The graph below depicts all departments represented. 

Find a current researcher of the iClimate centre in the list depicted below.

Phone number Name, Job title, Email, Unit (Building, room)
Adhikari, Tara Ballav, Postdoc, tba@ph.au.dk, Department of Public Health - Institute of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
Alibrandi, Umberto, Associate Professor, ua@cae.au.dk, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering - Structural Engineering (3210 Navitas, 04.194)
Andersen, Christopher, Postdoc, chan@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling (7413, 37)
Andersen, Mikael Skou, Professor, msa@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Department of Environmental Science, Environmental social science and geography, Aarhus (5128, 3008)
Andersen, Trine Anemone, Member of Administrative Staff, taa@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling (7407, 114)
Andreasen, Laurits Støvring, PhD Student, laurits.andreasen@cas.au.dk, School of Culture and Society - Department of Archeology and Heritage Studies
Andresen, Björn, Professor (Docent), bjra@ece.au.dk, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical Energy Technology (5120, 217)
Asp, Torben, Professor, torben.asp@qgg.au.dk, Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics - Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics, Flakkebjerg
Ballantyne, Anne Gammelgaard, Associate Professor, anne@btech.au.dk, Department of Business Development and Technology (8001, 1203)
Balling, Niels, Honorary Professor, niels.balling@geo.au.dk, Department of Geoscience (1672, 230)
Barbosa Anesio, Alexandre Magno, Professor, Head of Section, ama@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental Microbiology (7411, B2.04)
Barbu, Corneliu, Professor (Docent), coba@ece.au.dk, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical Energy Technology (5120, 221)
Baum, Chad M., Assistant Professor, cmbaum@btech.au.dk, Department of Business Development and Technology (8001, Innovatorium CET)
Bilde, Merete, Professor, bilde@chem.au.dk, Department of Chemistry (1513, 424)
Blattmann, Franziska, Postdoc, franziska.blattmann@geo.au.dk, Department of Geoscience (1672, 217)
Bossi, Rossana, Senior Researcher, rbo@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Measurements (7412, C1.14)
Böttner, Christoph, Postdoc, christoph.boettner@geo.au.dk, Department of Geoscience (1672, 316)
Brandt, Jørgen, Professor, jbr@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling (7404, 136)
Hedegaard, Gitte Brandt, Centre Manager, gbh@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling (7407, 120)
Bruun, Simon Ravnsbæk, Research Fellow, srb@au.dk, iCLIMATE Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change
Andresen, Gorm Bruun, Associate Professor, gba@mpe.au.dk, Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy (5132, 145)
Callisen, Lærke Worm, Member of Administrative Staff, lwc@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling (7407, 114)
Cammarano, Davide, Professor, davide.cammarano@agro.au.dk, Department of Agroecology - Climate and Water (8820, 2013)
Carvalho, Pedro, Associate Professor, Head of Section, pedro.carvalho@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental chemistry & toxicology (7412, C1.00)
Che, Haochi, Visiting Researcher, haochi.che@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling
Christensen, Benjamin, PhD Student, filbc@au.dk, iCLIMATE Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change
Christensen, Jesper Heile, Senior Researcher, jc@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling (7404, 136)
Christensen, Peter Bondo, Senior Researcher, pbc@ecos.au.dk, Department of Ecoscience - Marine Ecology (1131, 532)
Christensen, Torben Røjle, Professor, torben.christensen@ecos.au.dk, Department of Ecoscience - Arctic Ecosystem Ecology (7410, A1.11)
Cirkovic, Elena, Postdoc, elec8@law.au.dk, Department of Law (1410, 209)
Cook, Joseph Mitchell, Part-time Lecturer, jcook@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental Microbiology
Doering, Kristin, Postdoc, kristin.doering@geo.au.dk, Department of Geoscience (1672, 217)
Elofsson, Katarina, Professor, katarina.elofsson@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental social science and geography (7407, 119)
Fage-Butler, Antoinette Mary, Associate Professor, fage-butler@cc.au.dk, School of Communication and Culture - English Business Communication (1481, 457)
Fals, Katinka Bundgård, PhD Student, katinka@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental social science and geography (7407, 138)
Finster, Kai, Professor, kai.finster@bio.au.dk, Department of Biology - Microbiology (1540, 129)
Fritz, Livia Bianca, Postdoc, livia.fritz@btech.au.dk, Department of Business Development and Technology (8001, Innovatorium, CET)
Gabel, Charlotte, Postdoc, charlottegabel@ph.au.dk, Department of Public Health - Institute of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
Gedefaw Abate, Tenaw, Assistant Professor, tenaw@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental social science and geography (7407, 126)
Geels, Camilla, Senior Researcher, cag@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling (7404, 140)
Glasius, Marianne, Associate Professor, glasius@chem.au.dk, Department of Chemistry (1513, 421)
Gosewinkel, Ulrich Bay, Senior Researcher, ulrich.gosewinkel@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental Microbiology (7412, C2.51)
Gøtske, Ebbe Kyhl, Research Fellow, ekg@au.dk, iCLIMATE Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change - iCLIMATE Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change, Navitas (5132, 118)
Greiner, Martin, Professor, greiner@au.dk, iCLIMATE Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change - iCLIMATE Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change, Navitas
Gustafsson, Cathrine Højrup, PhD Student, chg@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental social science and geography (7407)
Gutzke, Vibeke Heitmann, Laboratory Staff Member, vhgu@ph.au.dk, Department of Public Health - Institute of Environmental and Occupational Medicine (1181, 051A)
Gyldenkærne, Steen, Senior Researcher, sgy@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling (7407, 114)
Hansen, Anja Skjoldborg, Senior consultant, ash@dce.au.dk, DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy (7410, A2.35)
Hansen, Kaj Mantzius, Senior Researcher, kmh@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling (7404, 142)
Honoré, Julie Bonde, Research Assistant, juh@au.dk, iCLIMATE Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change