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iClimate members

Want to become a member of iClimate?

If you are employed or you study at Science and Technology, Aarhus University (AU ST) and you are interested and/or already working with climate-related research, you can contact us and become a member of iClimate. Send us an email via iClimate@envs.au.dk and let us know to which one(s) of the 4 pillars you would like to be affiliated with and get information from.

Find a current researcher of the iClimate centre in the list depicted below.


The members of iClimate come from a broad range of departments at AU ST. The majority is represented by the departments of Environmental Science (ENVS), of Engineering (ENG), of Geoscience (GEO) and of Agroecology (AGRO). Researchers from the departments of Chemistry (CHEM), of Animal Science (ANIS), of Bioscience (BIOS), of Food Science (FOOD), of Physics (PHYS) and of Molecular Biology and Genetics (MGB) and from the Aarhus University School of Engineering (ASE) are also present. 

Phone number Name, Job title, Email, Unit (Building, room)
Schlager, Elke, PhD Student, eschlager@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling (7407)
Schlünssen, Vivi, Professor, vs@ph.au.dk, Department of Public Health - Institute of Environmental and Occupational Medicine (1260)
Schourup-Kristensen, Vibe, Tenure Track Researcher, vibe.schourup@ecos.au.dk, Department of Ecoscience - Applied Marine Ecology and Modelling (7411, A1.29)
Schullehner, Jörg, Assistant Professor, js@ph.au.dk, Department of Public Health - Institute of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
Schwenk-Nebbe, Leon Joachim, Research Fellow, leonsn@au.dk, iCLIMATE Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change
Seidenkrantz, Marit-Solveig, Head of Department, mss@geo.au.dk, Department of Geoscience (1672)
Sheik Mohamed, Hani Ahmed, Research Assistant, hamo@ph.au.dk, Department of Public Health - Institute of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
Sigsgaard, Torben, Professor, ts@ph.au.dk, Department of Public Health - Institute of Environmental and Occupational Medicine (1260, 326)
Sipes, Katie Marie, Postdoc, ksipes@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental Microbiology
Skjøth, Carsten Ambelas, Professor, c.skjoth@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Measurements (7413)
Skov, Henrik, Professor, hsk@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Measurements (7413, D1.09)
Sommer, Sven Gjedde, Professor, sgs@bce.au.dk, Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering (5112)
Sørensen, Lise Lotte, Professor - Head of section, lls@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Measurements (7404, 141)
Stevens, Ian, Postdoc, ian.stevens@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental Microbiology
Tranter, Martyn, Professor, martyn.tranter@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental Microbiology
van Beest, Floris, Senior Researcher, flbe@ecos.au.dk, Department of Ecoscience - Arctic Ecosystem Ecology (7412, C1.16)
Victoria, Marta, Associate Professor, mvp@mpe.au.dk, Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy (5132, 156)
Vitali, Rayanne, Postdoc, rvitali@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling (7407, 126)
Winding, Anne, Professor, aw@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental Microbiology (7411, B2.16)
Winther, Morten, Senior Advisor, mwi@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling (7407, 117)
Wu, Shubiao, Associate Professor, wushubiao@agro.au.dk, Department of Agroecology - Soil Physics and Hydropedology (8822)
Ye, Zhuyun, Assistant Professor, zye@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling (7403, 100)
Zandersen, Marianne, Professor, mz@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental social science and geography (7407, 124)
Zhang, Lu, Postdoc, luzhang@envs.au.dk, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Measurements (7413)
Zhang, Muzhou, Postdoc, mz@ps.au.dk, Department of Political Science (1340, 131)