Aarhus University Seal

Peter L. Langen


Professor, Centre Director

Primary affiliation

Peter L. Langen CV

Areas of expertise

  • Climate modeling
  • Climate and the Arctic
  • Global warming

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


I work with climate models and use them to understand Arctic conditions and how what happens at lower latitudes has implications for Arctic changes. Futher, I work with mass balance of the large ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica in the past, present and future, and how global climate changes are expressed in Denmark.

Teaching activities

I teach in different climate courses and supervise students and early career researchers. I communicate the research through popular articles, talks and interviews with the media.

Job responsibilities

I am a professor and leader of Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change (iClimate). As part of my research, I supervise both phd students and postdocs. I chair the department research committee and am a member of the faculty committee for digital infrastructure and AU's high performance computing committee.

Selected publications

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Selected projects

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