Aarhus University Seal

Affiliation Guidelines

Why, you should affiliate your publications to iClimate

We urge you to consider including iClimate as part of your affiliation whenever you write papers that are relevant to iClimate. These affiliations on papers are one of the big parameters we as a centre are evaluated on. In the future, demonstrating your affiliation to iClimate in this manner may be taken as an advantage in reviews of applications for iClimate OH-funds.

Please note that this goes even if you do not currently receive funding from iClimate. Everyone should help iClimate metrics and future evaluations by doing this. So if you feel that the work is somehow related to or relevant for iClimate, please include it in the following way:

-          Department of [e.g. Environmental Science], iClimate, Aarhus University, [local address if applicable], Denmark

In this manner, you do not need a separate affiliation line for iClimate. And it will be counted when the library does their stats on iClimate publications. Also, if you have multiple centres that you would like to include, you can just add more on the same line.

If you do receive funding from iClimate – be it for salary, equipment, travels or anything else – please also include iClimate in the acknowledgement of any papers that result (in part) due to this funding. For example,

-          We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change (iClimate, Aarhus University).

Feel free to combine it with other sources or change the wording, but please do keep the full centre title in there, i.e., “Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change (iClimate, Aarhus University)”.

How to affiliate a publication/author to iClimate in PURE as a member of the iClimate center

When you want to insert a new publication of any type (example here: Journal article), you can affiliate iClimate to it in PURE.

Please also find the PURE guidelines as a pdf here

Please be aware of two things before you get started:

  1. If you register a peer-reviewed publication in PURE, you can only affiliate it to iClimate in PURE if the corresponding author (/member of iClimate) is tagged to iClimate in the original publication (see Figure 1 in which Hans Sanderson is clearly linked to iClimate in the publication!)
  2. If you register a non-peer-reviewed publication in PURE, you can affiliate it to iClimate in PURE just because at least 1 author is a member of the iClimate center.

When you start to register a publication in PURE you may scroll down to “Contributors and Affiliations”. When you then select “Add person”, you select the corresponding author. Any member of iClimate should have an appropriate iClimate affiliation already connected to their name, however make sure it is also ticked (see Figure 2).


In case you don’t see the iClimate affiliation with the author automatically you may select “Affiliate to another organizational unit” and type “iClimate” in the search field. You can then select the iClimate affiliation that corresponds to at which department/location you work (see Figure 3).


After you did the prior step(s) the author affiliation to iClimate should look like in Figure 4.

After you have filled out all the other necessary information to register your publication, you can save press “Save” in PURE. Now, the new publication is also going to appear automatically on the iClimate website under “Publications” because this sub-webpage is connected to PURE publications with iClimate affiliations via a PURE-Plugin.