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This spring (2022) iClimate have granted a total of 670.247 d.kr to excellent climate research carried out by iClimate members

This spring iClimate received 16 applications from iClimate members adding up to a total of 850.092 d.kr. Based on economic contribution from the departments, research groups, individual researchers and the relevance of the project, the iClimate core group have decided to support 15 projects, some fully and some partly. You can read more about the successful projects below.

Grant recipient: Morten Maigaard (ANIS)

Amount: 16.000 d.kr

Title: Participation in the 8th International Greenhouse Gas and Animal Agriculture Conference

Resume: My planned activities under this funding is to attend a highly relevant international conference (International Greenhouse Gas & Animal Agriculture Conference) in Orlando, where I’ll get the chance to present results from ongoing work from iClimate-related projects. Furthermore I plan to visit PennState University to discuss these results with relevant researchers. 


Grant recipient: Luiza Karpavicius

Amount: 15.000 d.kr

Title: Participation in the Paris School of Economics Summer School 2022, Course: "Climate Change".

Resume: The iClimate OH funding will support my participation in the 2022 Paris School of Economics Summer School on Climate Change Economics. Expenses will cover tickets to and from Paris, accommodation and the course fees. The course runs from June 13 to June 17, and features prominent Professors from PSE and Stanford University. In the last day of the course, students are expected to present and discuss a working paper, in a workshop that will give valuable insights to my PhD research.  Finally, participation in the course will give me the opportunity to expand my network, by interacting with other early career researchers in environmental economics that are also interested in climate change.


Grant recipient: Toke Panduro

Amount: 70.100 d.kr

Title: Funding to establish an AU summer course with the title: “How we can solve the Climate Crisis.”

Resume: I have received funding to develop a summer course at AU. The purpose of the course will be to provide students with the understanding of how we get to a resilient zero-emission society. The purpose of the course is to provide an overview of the problems we as face as a society due to climate change and what we can do about it


Grant recipient: Shiyu Yan, Ji Chen and more

Amount: 152.843 d.kr

Title: The Impacts of Organic Manure on Life Cycle GHG Emissions: New perspectives of non-linearity in Production Systems and Profit Maximization Behaviors

Resume: We will make extended environmental and socio-economic analysis of the organic animal manure’s impacts on biomass yield, soil carbon sequestration, and GHG emission in organic farming, in comparison to conventional mineral. The project will advance cross-discipline knowledge for climate solutions (e.g., organic farming) and policy development.


Grant recipient: Mette Olaf Nielsen

Amount: 50.000 d.kr

Title: Upgrade of in vitro simulation system used to identify novel methane reducing feed additives

Resume: The aim is to upgrade the capacity of an in vitro system used in several research projects to rapidly screen for bioactivity of different biomasses and pure compounds that can reduce the formation of methane during forestomach fermentation in ruminant animals. Thereby new feed additives can be developed to reduce climate impact of dairy and beef production.


Grant recipient: Anders Brandt Petersen

Amount: 11.238 d.kr

Title: Participation at the Alternet conference 2022 in Ghent as part of a PEER network activity

Resume: Funding goes for my participation at the Alternet Ghent conference in June 2022, where I will be part of the PEER-TRISD team hosting the session and presenting results. “PEER Research on Sustainable Development Goals: Tackling and managing risks with SDGs (PEER-TRISD)” is a project among the partners in the Partnership for European Environmental Research network, which DCE is part of.


Grant recipient: Giulio Giagnoni

Amount: 18.855 d.kr

Title: Participating in two conferences coming in September 2022

Resume: Giulio Giagnoni will promote iClimate studies at two important conferences coming up this year: the International Symposium on Protein and Energy Metabolism and the Workshop on Modelling Nutrient Digestion and Utilization in Farm Animals. The studies provide new knowledge on the effect of fat level and source on enteric methane emissions from dairy cows, and novel understanding of the between-cow response variation to methane mitigation feeding strategies.


Grant recipient: Ian Stevens

Amount: 49.500 d.kr

Title: Quantifying near-surface water velocities and fluxes in the weathering crust of the Greenland Ice Sheet.

Resume: iClimate OH funds will be used for the direct measurement of water velocity in the near-surface “weathering crust” of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the 2022 summer melt season. The weathering crust acts as a key component of the glacial hydrological system, transferring meltwater, microbes and nutrients from the point-of-melt into supraglacial streams. However, the transit time of meltwater through this system remains poorly constrained, based upon heavily parameterized model estimates. Therefore we will use these funds to directly measure water velocity and flow direction, enhancing our understanding of ice sheet surface hydrology, and the biogeochemical processes which occur within the weathering crust.


Grant recipient: Søren O. Petersen

Amount: 50.000 d.kr

Title: Partially cover repair of the instrument (N2O Isotope Analyzer)

Resume: The isotopic composition of nitrous oxide can inform about pathways of production, and this in turn can help identify mitigation strategies. Department of Agroecology has used laser spectrometry for analysis of nitrous oxide isotopocules for several years, but the instrument now faces a costly repair that funding from iClimate will help to cover.


Grant recipient: Maria Holst Kjeldsen

Amount: 16.000 d.kr

Title: Participation in the 8th Greenhouse Gas and Animal Agriculture conference (GGAA) in Orlando, Florida, June 2022.

Resume: I will use the grant for activities related to my participation in the Greenhouse Gas & Animal Agriculture Conference in June 2022, where I have to present a poster and do an oral presentation. After the conference I will visit PennState University, where I will meet with professors and phd-fellows to discuss some of my work. I really look forward to my first international conference as a phd-fellow, and also to see another acknowledged research institute.


Grant recipient: Joanna Davies

Amount: 50.000 d.kr

Title: Man-made pollutants below the sea floor used as a new, additional way of dating Arctic marine sediments.

Resume: In this experimental project, we propose to use the occurrence of man-made pollutants below the sea floor as a new, additional way of dating Arctic marine sediments, as well as tracking spread and source of pollutants in the Arctic.


Grant recipient: Bernadette Rosati

Amount: 47.200 d.kr

Title: Support to buy new equipment to study optical properties of aerosol particles

Resume: The OH iClimate fund will help cover the costs to purchase two new measurement instruments investigating the optical properties of aerosol particles. Such measurements are imperative to constrain the interactions between aerosols and incident sunlight. Additionally, one of the instruments is particularly well suited to study the role of aerosol particles in cloud formation. This instrumentation will form the backbone of my newly established group at the Department of Chemistry. 


Grant recipient: Frank Akowuge Dugasseh

Amount: 14.300 d.kr

Title: One-month research stay at Oxford University, Environmental Change Institute.

Resume: The funding will support my stay in Oxford University as part of my Stay Abroad, participate in a seminar on forest governance as related to REDD+, co-author a paper on REED+ and also network with researchers for possible research collaboration.


Grant recipient: Adrian Lopez

Amount: 20.000 d.kr

Title: Two weeks research stay, September 2022

Resume: Multi-proxy investigations on sedimentary archives provide valuable information about past environmental changes and climate conditions (e.g., changes in bottom-water redox and paleoproductivity conditions). Sediment samples recovered during expedition NorthGreen17 in the NE Greenland shelf will be available for this project studying changes in clay mineral assemblages and organic matter transformations after the Last Glacial Period. The iClimate OH funding will support a 2-week research stay at the University of Granada to conduct cutting-edge mineralogical and geochemical analysis.


Grant recipient: Zhuyun Ye and Umberto Alibrandi

Amount: 89.211 d.kr

Title: Develop a novel chemical reaction network (CRN) model and machine learning

Resume: We will develop a novel chemical reaction network (CRN) model to study the complex atmospheric halogen-related reactions in Arctic. After the model validation with available atmospheric measurements of chemical components, a condensed halogen chemical network will be derived from the CRN model for further implement in chemical transport models.


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